Cambridge, Mass.—PartsTech Inc, an automotive e-commerce company headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., awarded its first Digital Innovation Award to NAPA Auto Parts for its continued excellence in B2B automotive parts e-commerce. The award was presented at AAPEX 2019 in Las Vegas.
The award initiative recognizes the automotive parts distributor that exemplifies outstanding IT capabilities, technical innovation and execution in support of B2B auto parts procurement. The award is presented to a parts distributor that, through e-commerce technology, advances the interests of the modern automotive repair community. The winner demonstrates commitment to providing the technical tools required to help commercial customers respond to rapidly evolving expectations of vehicle owners and support the workflows that help repair shops sell more jobs and turn bays faster.
“NAPA recognizes that – in a post-digital aftermarket – the battlefield is no longer which parts distributor has the best website, or who has the most features,” said Erik St. Pierre, co-founder of PartsTech. “The game is changing fast, and deep connectivity to repair systems is more important than ever. NAPA is differentiating themselves by applying digital tools to present their parts and services to customers in new and powerful ways. The PartsTech team, along with all of our repair shop users across North America, thank NAPA for their hard work and commitment to providing the tools and capabilities to meet customers whenever and wherever they choose to buy parts.”
Who is eligible for this award?
Every retailer, distributor or jobber who participates in the PartsTech platform is eligible to win. PartsTech considered hundreds of parts distribution partners, representing more than 25,000 locations across the U.S. and Canada for this inaugural award.
What are the judging criteria?
- Partner must offer significant functionality beyond the widely-accepted b2b e-commerce practices.
- Partner must advance the needs of repair shops by providing technology that reduces cost, increases efficiency, and allows repair shops to focus on what’s important – repairing vehicles and selling jobs.
- Speed and Reliability – Partner’s technology stack must be fast, reliable and highly optimized.
- Support – Partner must respond quickly to technical issues reported by mutual customers.
- Agility – Partner must be responsive to feature requests of PartsTech users and SMS partners.
- Future Focus – Partner must anticipate the future needs of repair shops and their customers, and proactively provide solutions today.
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