“The dissolution of the national organization will have absolutely no impact on our ongoing efforts,” AASP/NJ President Ken Miller assures members
Nutley, N.J—Ken Miller, president of the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of New Jersey (AASP/NJ), responded to this week’s announcement of the AASP National Board of Directors’ decision to dissolve the association at the national level.
The board had concluded that, in light of diminished affiliate numbers and increasing challenges of having a meaningful impact at the national level, that dissolving the national association at the end of 2024 was the best path forward.
However, this decision has no bearing on the ability of the organization’s affiliate chapters, including AASP/NJ, to maintain normal operations.
“AASP/NJ is stronger than ever and will continue to operate as usual,” Miller assured members. “AASP/NJ operates completely independently, so the dissolution of the national organization will have absolutely no impact on our ongoing efforts to support the success of Garden State collision and mechanical repair shops.”
Association members should anticipate no interruptions to AASP/NJ’s ongoing initiatives and upcoming events. “We continue to work closely with the State Legislature on behalf of New Jersey shops, and our focus on providing shops with educational and networking opportunities will only gain momentum,” Miller confirms.
“We’ll be getting together for our 2024 Lou Scoras Memorial Golf Outing, and we’re looking forward to next month’s Annual meeting,” he adds. “As always, our NORTHEAST 2025 Automotive Services Show — the country’s largest trade show of its kind — scheduled to take place March 14-16, 2025, at the Meadowlands Exposition Center, will deliver even more education with the opportunity to visit more exhibitors than ever before. Stay tuned for updates on more educational events being planned for the balance of this year and into 2025.
“AASP National has been an amazing asset to the industry for over two decades. We are extremely proud to have been a major part of it.”
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