AASP/MA will remain active in all its efforts to strive to advocate for consumers, educate repairers and create unity for repairers

Braintree, Mass.—In the wake of last week’s announcement of the AASP National Board of Directors’ decision to dissolve the association at the national level, the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of Massachusetts (AASP/MA) wants to assure the auto body repair community in the Commonwealth that the national board’s decision to not carry onward has no bearing on the Alliance and its activities.
AASP/MA will remain active in all its efforts to strive to advocate for consumers, educate repairers and create unity for the voice of repairers within Massachusetts.
“AASP National has been a great resource to our local association, and we are proud to have been active participants all these years,” said AASP/MA Executive Director Lucky Papageorg, who served as a member of the national executive board. “Although the national association has been there to lend support and guidance when needed, AASP/MA has always operated independently and will continue without any disruption.”
Members should anticipate no interruptions to AASP/MAs’s ongoing initiatives and upcoming events. AASP/MA just celebrated a successful annual golf outing fundraiser and is now gearing up to host its “Get More in ‘24 – Part 2” Fall General Membership Meeting on Oct. 19, at the Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School in Marlborough, Mass.
AASP/MA President Kevin Gallerani echoed Papageorg’s sentiments and said, “It’s business as usual on the local level. Our efforts to support proper repairs, fight for fair labor reimbursement rates and protect consumers will remain unchanged by this news. We continue to gain momentum. It’s only onward and upward we go.”
AASP National reported it will continue to fund the Database Enhancement Gateway, which it co-founded, by contributing $100,000 (equivalent to five years of its current financial support) to ensure that the valuable industry resource continues to thrive and benefit the industry.
Affirming its core mission to support and strengthen its affiliates, the national board’s remaining assets will be distributed equally among current affiliates in good standing who, in turn, can utilize those funds to enhance their work serving the industry at the local level.
In addition to AASP-MA, the affiliate associations include AASP Illinois, AASP Minnesota, AASP New Jersey, AASP Pennsylvania, Automotive Service & Tire Alliance North Carolina and New York State Association of Service Stations and Repair Shops.
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