The new program will replace the existing brake and lamp inspection programs, which will end on Sept. 27
Rancho Cordova, Calif.—The Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) regulations to establish the new Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection Program have been adopted as required by Assembly Bill 471 (Low, Chapter 372, Statutes of 2021) and are now effective. The new program will replace the existing brake and lamp inspection programs, which will end (sunset) on Sept. 27, 2024.
The Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection Program also creates new vehicle safety systems inspection criteria and station and technician licenses. The new program helps protect consumers by certifying vehicle safety systems, allowing salvage-titled vehicles to be registered with DMV and safely return to the road.
To support the transition from the brake and lamp inspection programs to the new Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection Program, BAR has developed a phased implementation approach. Additionally, existing station and adjuster licensees holding both an active brake license and an active lamp license may, until March 27, 2025, qualify for a waiver of the application fee. Existing brake and lamp adjusters also are eligible for a waiver from the required licensing examination and a temporary waiver of required ASE certifications.
For important information on the new program and how to apply for a vehicle safety systems license, visit
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