CAA expects approximately 2,400 new bills to be introduced this year by Feb. 18 — here are a few that could affect the repair community
Sacramento, Calif.—The 2022 legislative session has begun and bills are starting to be introduced. The California Autobody Association (CAA) stated it expects approximately 2,400 new bills to be introduced this year. The deadline for bill introduction is February 18. The legislature is also dealing with the remaining two-year bills, CAA reported, as it continues to monitor closely and provide updates. Below is CAA’s summary.
Legislative Bills
Towing & Storage. AB 294 — Oppose, unless amended. This bill treats all auto repair facilities as “towing companies” and moves them under a new regulatory Towing and Storage Board. The bill also prohibits auto repair shops from charging fair and reasonable rates for any storage. Status: Assembly appropriations Committee.
Catalytic Converter Theft. AB 1622 — Would require smog shops to provide signs informing customers about strategies for deterring catalytic converter theft, including etching of identifying information on the converter. Status: Introduced. AB 1659 — Revises the definition of auto dismantler to include a person who keeps or maintains two or more used catalytic converters not attached to a motor vehicle. Status: Introduced.
Employment Bills. Concerns. AB 95 — Provides for 10 days of employee bereavement leave without pay. Status: Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 995 — Extends current three days of sick leave to five days. Status: Assembly Floor.
State Budget
The Governor’s budget includes funding for the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to implement last year’s SB 158, which created a new hazardous waste oversight board and the subsequent increase in hazardous waste fees. CAA will monitor and report.
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