MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers is executing a digital advertising spend across multiple channels – including social media, streaming services, websites and more
Washington, D.C.— The MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers is launching a new right to repair campaign in support of the Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair (REPAIR) Act. The initiative would expand access to vehicle repair and maintenance information safely and securely and enable aftermarket suppliers and independent repairers to provide safe, high-quality vehicle service options to consumers.
As part of this campaign launch, MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers is executing a digital advertising spend across multiple channels — including social media, streaming services, websites, and more — to ensure that policymakers and others hear calls for swift action on the REPAIR Act.
“Across the independent aftermarket, suppliers and repairers need access to vehicle repair and maintenance information to service today’s vehicles. As explained in our new campaign, expanded vehicle data access can be accomplished safely and securely,” said Paul McCarthy, President and CEO of MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers. “MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers is proud to support the fight for equitable, cybersecure data-sharing practices with the bipartisan REPAIR Act, a commonsense solution that levels the playing field for aftermarket suppliers and independent repairers while protecting vehicle owners’ privacy and security.”
Currently, vehicle manufacturers are limiting access to vehicle information, tools, and software needed for parts integration and maintenance — sidelining independent aftermarket businesses and reducing vehicle owners’ ability to choose how, where, and when to repair their vehicles. Under the REPAIR Act, aftermarket suppliers and independent repairers wouldn’t face these barriers – giving vehicle owners more quality, affordable options in repairs.
A credible, cybersecure solution to vehicle manufacturer’s unfair data restrictions exists — allowing necessary information to be shared with the right parties. As MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers’ new video notes, “Like any other multi-step login process, a third-party authentication system would enable trusted repair shops and suppliers to access only the data needed for repairs, maintenance, and parts integration — not any of your personal, private information.”
Similar systems already in place protect millions of Americans every day — in applications like email, mobile payment, and more. While this system is already being deployed at a small scale in the automotive industry, an enhanced and expanded program is needed to guarantee data access across a wide range of vehicle ages, makes, and models.
MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers supports the bipartisan REPAIR Act — a secure solution for establishing equitable data-sharing practices to enable a vibrant, competitive vehicle repair and maintenance landscape that prioritizes safety, integrity, and credibility. With more than 50 bipartisan cosponsors, the bill advanced unanimously out of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce last fall.
To learn more about the need for the REPAIR Act and how to get involved, visit
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