The rule, however, “provides important flexibility to allow vehicle manufacturers to meet performance-based requirements through multiple technology pathways.”
Editor’s Note: The Engine Technology Forum (ETF) issued the following statement from Executive Director Allen Schaeffer about the announcement of EPA’s final multi-pollutant emissions standards:
“The EPA’s final rule establishes challenging new standards that lower emissions for future light-duty passenger vehicles and medium-duty vehicles beginning in 2027 through 2032.
“This rule, which auto manufacturers describe as ‘the most consequential carbon reducing policy ever enacted,’ embraces and builds on the decades of accomplishments lowering emissions and boosting efficiency of gasoline as well as diesel internal combustion engines. It will challenge manufacturers and suppliers with new requirements that will contribute further to clean air improvements as well as reduced carbon emissions.

“There are many paths to reducing carbon and other emissions; including further advancements to internal combustion engines and the use of renewable fuels, and new fuels like hydrogen. We envision a future where consumers and businesses can choose whatever technology best suits their needs; battery electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, or advanced gasoline and diesel vehicles. Ideally, EPA rules would be based on life cycle greenhouse gas emissions rather than a tailpipe-only basis. A life-cycle approach supports consumer choice for both fuels and vehicles.
“In setting final timelines and the performance-based standards, the EPA’s final rule properly provides important flexibility to allow vehicle manufacturers to meet performance-based requirements through multiple technology pathways. It further recognizes the many challenges for both manufacturers and consumers in moving to zero tailpipe emission electric vehicles.
“The ultimate success of this new rule is contingent upon a number of factors, many of which are outside the control of vehicle manufacturers. Namely, consumers’ acceptance of new technologies and the rapid transformation of our industrial base to support widespread electrification; each of which require unprecedented capital investments.

“The rule projects that from model year 2030-2032 that battery electric vehicles (BEV) will make up about 30% to 56% of new light-duty vehicle sales and about 20% to 32% of new medium-duty vehicles sales. That number grows to 67% by 2032, while hybrid and advanced internal combustion engine technology would account for 50% and 33%, respectively.
“The medium-duty vehicle portion of the rule covers Class 2b and Class 3 vehicles—the 2500 and 3500 series heavy-duty pick-up trucks, which today have both gasoline and diesel engine options. It requires reductions in fleet average emissions of about 58%-70% reduction of the current emissions levels for nitrogen oxides and about 44% reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from 2026 levels by 2032.”
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