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Learn how the new stimulus package applies to your small business, Thursday, Dec. 17, and Monday, Dec. 21

CTI-WTI is offering a no-charge, one-hour presentation with Q&A for the ‘Stimulus Package & PPP Year End Planning

Newark, Calif.— CTI-WTI is offering a no-charge, one-hour presentation with Q&A for the “Stimulus Package & PPP Year End Planning,” presented by Hunt Demarest, CPA, to learn how the new stimulus package applies to your small business.

The one-hour presentation will include:

• Year-end tax planning for PPP loans

• Key expiration dates

• Unemployment assistance impact on your employees

Rental assistance restrictions

Two sessions to choose from:

Thursday, December 17, 2020
5:00 pm PST / 8:00 pm EST

Monday, December 21, 2020
12:00pm PST / 3:00pm EST

Click here register

This is the same class two different days though Monday’s class may have different/more current info due to changing information. It is encouraged to register for both days. The sessions will be recorded for those who register only.

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